My Little Book Of Reward & Recognition
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
My Little Book of Employee Benefits
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
Unravel Your EVP: Take The Quiz!
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
purple background with incomplete white jigsaw, and final white jigsaw piece angled to be placed in the space

Finding the best employee benefits platform for your workplace

Choosing the best employee benefits platform for your workplace is the key to fostering a motivated and engaged workforce. By providing a platform that not only offers a diverse range of benefits but also ensures flexibility, responsiveness, and client-centric service can really help build your EVP and improve the employer brand. Curating the right employee...

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close up of silver laptop opened, framed at an angle on a bed sheet

Managing your team when working from home

Working from home may have declined in the last few years as offices have reopened and working life has started returning to ‘normal’ in the last few years post-pandemic, but the idea of more flexible and hybrid working styles has remained for many companies across the UK. In fact, 14% of UK workers exclusively work...

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yellow background with 4 matches laying in a line. second match is burned out.

Employee burnout

The modern workplace can be a pressured and tense environment. While offering working from home or flexible hours may work to relieve this stress for some, many employees are required to be in the office full time. 76% of employees report moderate-to-high or high levels of stress, and a quarter of workers experienced burnout symptoms,...

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blue 'support' key on keyboard

The Need for Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs)

There are plenty of stressing factors that people experience in daily life, both inside and outside of work. From mental health struggles to financial strain, when external difficulties are going on, it’s hard not to bring the stress into work. It makes sense then, that Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) exist. While there is only so...

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What is Reward and Recognition (R&R)?

What is Reward and Recognition (R&R), and why is it critical in enhancing employee satisfaction, motivation, and retention?  Staff rewards – whereby a manager rewards employees with a monetary or non monetary gift for a job well done, achieving a particular goal, or hitting a career milestone – play a significant role in attracting and...

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laptop with notebooks and pencil with graduation cap topper on the end, against orange background

Creating Learning Opportunities

Learning within the workplace is something that may slow down the more comfortable an employee gets in their role. While it’s great when staff are competent in their jobs, growth and development are a large part of both the career journey, and personal improvement. In fact, 4 in 5 people in the UK say learning...

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green background with outline of a side profile, head is unfinished, with flowers spilling out so they look as though they are coming out of the head

Nurturing Minds: Prioritising mental health awareness in the workplace

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, and it presents HR with a means of opening up the conversation, providing advice and signposting people towards relevant resources and helps break the stigma of mental health at work. It might seem that we are always talking about this subject, but the reality is,...

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How to boost productivity in the workplace

The UK workplace has undergone something of an evolution in the past five years. We have several new working practices that are becoming the norm, and as such, maintaining productivity can be a challenge for even the most experienced HR teams. Various socio-economic factors have played a part; from lack of investment in UK businesses,...

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Blue background with paper people being drawn towards a hand with a magnet in

Combatting High Staff Turnover: Strategies for Workplace Retention

Retention is one of the primary focuses for HR and high staff turnover can be a significant challenge for any organisation. Not only does it lead to increased recruitment costs and a loss of productivity, but it can really disrupt team dynamics – and that is never good for business. A recent study from Work...

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