My Little Book Of Reward & Recognition
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
My Little Book of Employee Benefits
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
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Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
green background with star confetti, christmas tree sprigs, gift, christmas cookie, and candy cane sprinkled across bottom of image

Support employee wellbeing during the holiday season

Whatever holidays you celebrate, December is a month of festivities and an incredibly busy period for many employees and organisations. From shopping, cooking, wrapping gifts and Christmas parties to compiling end of year reports, the hallowed work-life balance can be thrown off kilter. A poll by recruitment company Monster found that 61% of workers claim...

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EV plugged into charging port

Why Electric Vehicle Salary Sacrifice Schemes are the way of the future

Looking towards 2024, sustainability is what most people are thinking about. Taking steps for everyday ways to reduce our emissions is an actionable thing that we can do. Bringing issues of sustainability to the workplace, there are ways that companies can help to encourage and support sustainable practices. Employees care about businesses that care; this...

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desk in the sunlight with plant pot, tablet, mug of steaming coffee, laptop and my staff shop card

Discounted Shopping and Love2Shop: Save on your favourites!

Shopping habits have changed dramatically since the pandemic. With online shopping previously looking to destroy the High Street as we know it – there has been a resurgence in the popularity of shopping in person since lockdowns ended and people returned to a more personal shopping experience, and flagship stores are opening every month. So...

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Blue chairs lined up with yellow chair as focal point in the centre

Bringing in new talent: how to recruit the best of the best

Bringing a new member of staff on board can be an exciting prospect. New ideas, passion and working dynamics from a new hire can breathe life into an office, but it can also be a costly decision. Turnover of staff is cited by 47% of HR professionals worldwide as their top issue within the workplace,...

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pink background with felt moustache in the centre

It’s Movember!

It’s Movember! This annual November event invites men to put down the trimmer and roll with the ‘tache, with the goal of raising awareness for pressing health issues that too often go unspoken. With male suicide, prostate cancer and testicular cancer all being dominating health problems for men from all walks of life, Movember is...

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Close up of library book shelf

On course for success: why offering learning courses to employees is a must

In most people’s jobs, looking for progression and development is paramount for a happy and fulfilling career. However when some employers hear this; alarm bells sound. They start to think that professional development will lead employees to move on to greener pastures. But the opposite is often the case. In a recent study, 66% of UK...

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flatlay showing medical equipment including syringe, tongue depressor, and first aid kit

Healthcare Benefits – are they worth it?

Our health is one of the most valuable things that we have, and employees feel this way too! Not only are healthcare benefits among the most popular for employers to offer, but HIVE360 found that health and wellbeing support with 24/7 access to a personal doctor was the number one employee benefit for 48% of...

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pink background with calendar shown on right side, and small colourful post-its

How to have employees stick around for the long run

Employee loyalty is worth its weight in gold. Not only will a trusted workforce keep morale high in the workplace, but it will also help keep costs down. The CIPD has estimated that the average cost of hiring a new staff member to fill a vacancy, including cost of labour, is around £6,000. So retaining...

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Paper speech bubble, reading, 'help!', against sea foam green background

Why should you be thinking about an EAP?

Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) are something you may hear thrown around occasionally in the HR-sphere but are they that big of a deal? The answer is yes, especially given the increased interest in health and wellness in more recent years. With the public seeing a surge in awareness surrounding mental health and wellbeing, more and...

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