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My Little Book of Employee Benefits
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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

Today marks World Mental Health Day 2023, a time to reflect on how face-paced and ever connected lives cope with the stresses and strains of the modern world. It’s also the perfect opportunity to check in with your employees and colleagues, and ask them how they are feeling. Sometimes all people need is a friendly...

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10 ways to reward your staff

10 ways to reward your staff

The last 5 years have been disruptive to normal work life. Nearly 60% of employees report they are stressed at their jobs every day: so to keep your employees happy and motivated, reward them with something that shows them their organisation really cares about their welfare and success. 37% said that personal recognition would encourage...

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The power of feedback

The power of feedback

Feedback. Some people love it, some people hate it. But in order to keep a workplace running smoothly, it’s a necessary part of the working experience. Constructive criticism, an alternative perspective, or simply praising an employee can all help to guide your team into the right direction. 65% of employees have reported wanting more feedback,...

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The proof is in the pudding: why employee benefits work

The proof is in the pudding: why employee benefits work

Employee benefits. All companies offer some form of them. But what are the benefits to benefits? Well, Willis Towers Watson found that 75% of employees are more likely to stay with their employer because of their benefits package. So clearly employees and potential candidates value the benefits on top of just their salary, but what...

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Menopause and the workplace

Menopause and the workplace

Women’s health is often a subject left out of conversations when companies discuss what they can do for their employees’ wellbeing. In the past, the rhetoric has been for women to keep periods and menopause to themselves, making women’s health in general a taboo subject. But in a new era striving for inclusivity and awareness,...

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Staff retention in an ever changing climate

Staff retention in an ever changing climate

With job hopping being one of the biggest recent problems for HR, the question on everyone’s lips is, how do I keep my current staff? Not only is retaining staff more cost effective than re-hiring, but it saves on time, helps longer-term working relationships to be built, and means less training. So it makes sense...

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The art of making employees feel seen

The art of making employees feel seen

In a hectic and lively office, it is not always easy for an individual to be seen. When deadlines are tight, or companies enter their busy periods, it can often feel like there is no time to voice thoughts and solutions, and when the pressure is on, it may be easier to blend into the...

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Here's why we need to talk about it

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Here’s why we need to talk about it

As our planet becomes more connected and the “global village” grows – it is important businesses are aware of the diverse nature of the modern working world. Although many great strides have been made in making society a more inclusive place, there is still a long way to go. One in five employees in the...

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How to enhance company culture and build on working relationships

How to enhance company culture and build on working relationships 

We’ve all sat and thought about how we can give the work atmosphere a boost, but other than uncomfortable pizza parties and awkward team building exercises, can anything be done to build up genuine connections and dynamic working relationships for your team? With 22% of UK professionals saying they feel pressured into socialising with co-workers,...

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