Background of dappled different shades of green paint, with letters 'EVP' in white block outline font

What is an EVP?

You may have heard of the phrase ‘Employee Value Proposition’ otherwise known as an ‘EVP’, but what does it mean and why is it important? As it all falls under...

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Salmon pink background with repeated motif of white and red ribboned gift boxes

Do Employees care about benefits?

Everyone wants their employees to feel satisfied with their job; to feel motivated, passionate and excited for a long future with their business. But it’s not always possible, and after...

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pink background with silver confetti and disco ball

The most exciting benefits your team can get

Employee Benefits don’t have to be dull. Useful and practical? Good. Inflexible, hard to obtain and unengaging? Pass. Staff perks should be genuinely beneficial and easy to use, which is where...

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plasters motif against light blue bakground

Why more employees want health insurance

It’s no secret the NHS has been under immense pressure over the last 5 years. Covid-19,a shortage of beds, and doctors leaving for private clinics has caused unprecedented stress on...

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gold trophy lays against orange background, spilling gold stars confetti

What are Employee Rewards?

What are Employee Rewards? Employee Rewards are perks that a company delivers to its employees to motivate, engage, and retain their workforce. It’s that simple. Rewards will likely look different...

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purple background with incomplete white jigsaw, and final white jigsaw piece angled to be placed in the space

Finding the best employee benefits platform for your workplace

Choosing the best employee benefits platform for your workplace is the key to fostering a motivated and engaged workforce. By providing a platform that not only offers a diverse range...

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close up of silver laptop opened, framed at an angle on a bed sheet

Managing your team when working from home

Working from home may have declined in the last few years as offices have reopened and working life has started returning to ‘normal’ in the last few years post-pandemic, but...

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yellow background with 4 matches laying in a line. second match is burned out.

Employee burnout

The modern workplace can be a pressured and tense environment. While offering working from home or flexible hours may work to relieve this stress for some, many employees are required...

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blue 'support' key on keyboard

The Need for Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs)

There are plenty of stressing factors that people experience in daily life, both inside and outside of work. From mental health struggles to financial strain, when external difficulties are going...

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