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My Little Book of Employee Benefits
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
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Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
small electric car hooked up to charger in 3D cartoon style, against grey background

Embracing EVs: Driving your way to Corporate Responsibility

The rise of Electric Vehicles (EVs) parallels the growing popularity of sustainability initiatives worldwide. Over two thirds (70%) now expect their employers, or potential employers, to be proactively working towards sustainability. So it’s not a surprise companies are paying more attention to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and any Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives,...

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EV plugged into charging port

Why Electric Vehicle Salary Sacrifice Schemes are the way of the future

Looking towards 2024, sustainability is what most people are thinking about. Taking steps for everyday ways to reduce our emissions is an actionable thing that we can do. Bringing issues of sustainability to the workplace, there are ways that companies can help to encourage and support sustainable practices. Employees care about businesses that care; this...

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Green background with close up of 50 pence coin

Salary Sacrifice – Is it what people actually want?

Salary Sacrifice on the surface may not sound all that beneficial. The word ‘Sacrifice’ brings ideas of hard earned money being taken from employees with each paycheck. But in reality, it can be a great opportunity for colleagues to gain access to services that they may not have been able to afford, all while being...

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Red bike leant up against a red wall

Team Green Britain Bike Week 2023

It’s Team Green Britain Bike Week! What does that mean? Essentially it is just an annual reminder of the many benefits of cycling, and why getting on your bike to get you where you want to go can be the best mode of transport. So why not try to encourage more cycling to work in...

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Yellow background with red and white bike wheel in foreground

On your bike: Why cycle to work schemes are having ‘a moment’

With wellbeing topping the list of the most popular benefits that companies are seeking, it appears the humble cycle to work salary sacrifice scheme is back in favour. Employers wanting to engage their people in healthy habits that make them feel good – and tick the sustainability box too are returning to this tried and...

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