My Little Book Of Reward & Recognition
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
My Little Book of Employee Benefits
Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
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Employee Value Proposition Quiz by My Staff Shop Get It Now
blue background with megaphone laying on the right side

The power of feedback

Feedback. Some people love it, some people hate it. But in order to keep a workplace running smoothly, it’s a necessary part of the working experience. Constructive criticism, an alternative perspective, or simply praising an employee can all help to guide your team into the right direction. 65% of employees have reported wanting more feedback,...

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desk with steaming mug in focus, and laptop, tablet, and notebook out of focus in the background

Staff retention in an ever changing climate

With job hopping being one of the biggest recent problems for HR, the question on everyone’s lips is, how do I keep my current staff? Not only is retaining staff more cost effective than re-hiring, but it saves on time, helps longer-term working relationships to be built, and means less training. So it makes sense...

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Pink and Purple wavy blurred background with 'Diversity, Equity & Inclusion' written in white outline font

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Here’s why we need to talk about it

As our planet becomes more connected and the “global village” grows – it is important businesses are aware of the diverse nature of the modern working world. Although many great strides have been made in making society a more inclusive place, there is still a long way to go. One in five employees in the...

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Red background with pins in a circle around a central pins. Outer circle are connected to the central pin

How to enhance company culture and build on working relationships 

We’ve all sat and thought about how we can give the work atmosphere a boost, but other than uncomfortable pizza parties and awkward team building exercises, can anything be done to build up genuine connections and dynamic working relationships for your team? With 22% of UK professionals saying they feel pressured into socialising with co-workers,...

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close up of empty chair and desk

How to create the best office space

As organisations try to encourage their staff to return to the office, the environment you are welcoming them back into needs to be an accommodating, friendly and a safe place to work. It is reported that the average British employee spends 1,795 hours a year at work, so offering a comfortable work environment is beneficial...

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Orange background with blue calculator close up

Helping employees to ease the weight of financial stress

Most people are aware of the high levels of financial stress dominating the UK. In fact, Champion Health found that 37% of those surveyed listed financial pressure as a top cause of stress outside of work in 2023. With the cost of living crisis being a glaring issue for many of us, shaking off that...

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blue background with mug in foreground, featuring sad face drawn in pen

Are Your Employees Happy? Here’s Some Key Things to Look Out For…

Worried that your people don’t seem as happy as they could be? The UK places 12th in the world in terms of employee satisfaction, with 74% of employees feeling very satisfied. But with one in three staff saying they are unhappy in the workplace, there is still a way to go for overall satisfaction. There...

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Red bike leant up against a red wall

Team Green Britain Bike Week 2023

It’s Team Green Britain Bike Week! What does that mean? Essentially it is just an annual reminder of the many benefits of cycling, and why getting on your bike to get you where you want to go can be the best mode of transport. So why not try to encourage more cycling to work in...

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light blue background with outline of pink ballot box

What benefits do people want?

Rising living costs, tax increases and even the effects of Brexit are all affecting people’s incomes, and that means at a time when everyone is tightening their belts, workers are looking to their employer to support them in whatever way they can. Of course, a good employer will always have their people’s best interests at...

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