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My Little Book of Employee Benefits
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purple background with green measuring tape dangling in foreground

Why one size doesn’t fit all with employee benefits

It goes without saying that not every workplace is the same. Nor is every employee the same. Therefore when it comes to benefits they should fit the needs of your people, right? According to the organisation Get Living, nearly three quarters of employees (73%) want a more tailored benefits package, so the proof really is...

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close up of home working desk

Is hybrid working the way forward? – Why flexible working will stick in 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly changed many aspects of our lifestyles, but some of those day-to-day differences have had a lasting effect. While working from home was a key element of tackling the virus, for many businesses it highlighted the fact that for many, being in the office every day isn’t the only way to get...

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Top tips for boosting morale in the office

There’s no shortage of challenges that recent years have brought, with the pandemic, cost of living crisis, and industrial action being the major talking points that have shaken things up for the UK. With everything up in the air, times have been tough, and people coming in to work with things on their mind is...

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Money jar full of coins, labelled 'budget', against red background

Tackling the cost of living crisis: Assisting employees

It’s no secret that the cost of living crisis is hitting everyone hard. With drastic UK inflation and soaring energy bills alongside stagnant wages, people are struggling to get by. No matter how much employees enjoy their job, money is on everyone’s mind. The supermarket shopping budget doesn’t stretch as far as it did a...

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Fire Exit Light up sign against dark street

‘Quiet quitting’ – What are your employees trying to tell you?

If you’ve been on LinkedIn over the past few months, you’ve probably heard of the phrase ‘quiet quitting’ – but what does it actually mean? Put simply, it’s employees doing the bare minimum to get by in their job and completely lacking enthusiasm for the role. This trend of listlessness sounds like a recent phenomenon,...

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warehouse shelves shown in soft yellow lighting

Unemployment is lower: And so are your wages!

The Office for National Statistics (ONS)’s has warned of an ‘economic storm’ ahead as UK unemployment dropped to a near-50 year low, at the same time that wages also suffered a massive fall. Quarter 1 jobs market data showed that, despite wages rising, real earnings dropped by the highest margin in nine years. The unemployment...

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single bird perched on a long thin tree branch, against grey sky

Tackling Workplace Loneliness New

The focus of this year’s National Mental Health Week is loneliness. Nearly all of us have experienced loneliness at some time in our lives and usually this passes almost immediately. However, when these feelings don’t go away, they can cause mental health problems such as fatigue, anxiety or depression. Loneliness has affected 4 in 5...

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Employee Satisfaction: The 9 metrics you need to know

Measuring customers’ satisfaction has long been an important metric for businesses looking to retain customers. However, the success of an organisation depends upon how it keeps its employees motivated. How do you deliver a great customer experience with demotivated staff? Keeping employees engaged at work has become more challenging since the pandemic changed all the...

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Desk with paper and stationary scattered, and word 'burnout' in black block letters as central focus

Five ways HR can help fight employee burnout and stress

Occupational stress and employee burnout remain an issue for HR. In fact, in the UK, sick days cost the economy £14bn annually while mental health illness and work-related stress is losing UK businesses 23.3 million working days, and is responsible for almost half of all absenteeism cases (48%).  Whether your people are feeling the effects...

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