On-Demand Pay (ODP) is fast becoming the norm for many workers. The NHS, Tesco, Capita and McDonald’s already offer it, and one in five Americans and 15% of British workers are already paid this way.
This is the ultimate ‘cheat sheet’ and explains everything employers need to know about ODP in plain English.
ODP Meaning
ODP is a tool that gives staff the flexibility to access their earned income any day they need, rather than having to wait for payday.
New technology enables this relatively simply, without impacting the employer’s payroll process or cashflow.
Is this the same as a wage advance or loan?
No. It’s important to note that this is not a loan and, accordingly, there is no interest to be paid by the employee. It is also not an advance, as only money earned – rather than future earnings – can be accessed.
Alternative Names for On-Demand Pay
Confusingly, ODP is often referred to by other names, including:
All of the above refer to exactly the same technology, simply by different labels.
Worked Example
If Steve gets paid £100 a shift and has worked 5 shifts since his last payday, he has earned £500 in gross earnings. Usually, he wouldn’t be able to access this until payday, which could still be many weeks away.
ODP would allow him to withdraw a portion of this immediately. If, for example, his employer had set the cap to 50% of gross earnings, Steve could access up to £250 on this day of the month.
On-Demand Pay Pros For Staff
On-Demand Pay Pros For Employers
On-Demand Pay Adoption in the UK
ODP has proven very popular with workers in recent years and enjoys a much higher take-up rate than almost all other employee benefits. It is common for over 50% of staff to use it at some point.
Nine out of ten UK workers would like access to it and, as reported in the Guardian, a majority of British workers would even prefer ODP to extra paid holiday.
Amongst the HR community, there is a growing consensus that, over the next 12 months, ODP will, in some industries, shift from a ‘nice-to-have’ to a ‘must-have’.
15% of all UK employers now offer On-Demand Pay including, but not limited to: